Po dveh letih smo se ponovno razveselili nagrade Booking.com.

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Po dveh letih smo se ponovno razveselili nagrade Booking.com.

Ker se zavedamo, da ste nam to nagrado namenili vi, naši gosti, bi se želeli zahvaliti vsem vam. Brez vas Počitniški dom ne bi mogel biti takšen kot je. Ker se zavedamo kako pomembno je, da se pri nas počutite kot doma, obljubljamo, da bomo naslednjo sezono še boljši kot smo bili.

Platforma nagrado podeljuje nastanitvam, ki dosežejo povprečno oceno med 8 in 10, z vsaj tremi ocenami uporabnikov Booking.com. Upoštevajo se ocene preteklih treh let.

Veselimo se, da vas bomo ponovno pozdravili v Počitniškem domu Portorož.

After two years, we are delighted to receive the Booking.com award again.

Since we are aware that this award was given to us by you, our guests, we would like to thank all of you. Without you, Holiday Home would not be what it is. Because we are aware of how important it is for you to feel at home with us, we promise that next season we will be even better than we were.

The platform awards the award to accommodations that achieve an average rating of between 8 and 10, with at least three reviews from Booking.com users. The reviews are taken into account for the past three years.

We look forward to welcoming you again to Portoroz Holiday Home.


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